Saturday, September 18, 2010


The latest rage these days is to characterize the President as an “ist“. You may have heard that he’s an Islamist, anti-colonialist, Marxist, socialist, black liberationist and my all-time favorite a communist. The number of communists left in the world is so small that the meeting could be held as a dinner party. Apparently though that dinner is being held at the White House, where everyone has gathered for one last karaoke party to sing “The Internationale”. (and you have heard about those “lavish Obama parties“!).

All these same people speak of Obama as if he was different, some sort of an aberration, anti-American, and best of all a business hater. Trust me, folks it doesn’t work that way.

Everybody talks about the billions in debt that we've piled up. Where did it go? Did it go to Communist/Marxist causes? Did we found a new Marx-Lenin University? Is Saul Alinsky now a billionaire? Are there federally funded “Hate the United States” teams forming in high schools all across the country?

Folks, the money went to the people who are the biggest capitalists in the country, the bankers, and financiers, the big pharmaceutical companies, the big construction companies, etc. You and I didn't see a dollar in TARP money or stimulus money, but all the people who already had money did. That’s because President Obama is a member of the club and you and I aren't!

For those that think the President has a Marxist or communist ideology remember that the President went to two Ivy League schools. The Ivy League doesn't produce leftists, its produces CAPITALISTS!

Those opposed to the President are all being led around by the nose and can't see it; this preposterous idea that Obama is against business. His recent financial regulation package was the most innocuous legislation imaginable in the face of the economic disaster we have gone through. He just got admitted to the club. The last thing in the world he wants to do is tear it down!

Haven't all the Glenn Beck watchers and Sean Hannity acolytes ever had one moment when the light bulb went on and asked yourself why is Warren Buffet, the richest man in the world a friend of this communist Marxist president?

Steve Forbes who published the article against Obama in his magazine, went to an Ivy League school as did the two greatest capitalists of the post war years, Buffet and Bill Gates. You can add in Bill and Hillary Clinton, both Presidents Bush, Hank Paulson, Tim Geithner, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke.
Are you starting to sense that it doesn't even matter which party you belong to? You're either in the club or you're outside with your nose pressed against the glass.

Do you seriously believe that the rich and powerful of this nation would send their money and their children to places that would turn them into Marxists? How can anybody be so pathetically uninformed? If you were to go down a list of American billionaires you would find that almost every one has a personal connection to the Ivy League or Stanford, the West Coast Ivy League school.

Before you call the President a communist just realize that Obama, Buffet the richest man in the world, Greenspan former head of the Federal Reserve, Robson Walton chairman of Walmart, Randolph Lerner billionaire owner of the Cleveland Browns, Vikram Pandit CEO of Citigroup, and Henry Kravis corporate raider and chairman of KKR can sing the Columbia University fight song from memory, while laughing at the rest of us.

Do you know why Dick Morris (Columbia '67) is so mad at the President on Fox News? It’s because he got kicked out of the club, while an advisor to President Clinton, for using prostitutes. Apparently that sort of thing just isn't done by Ivy Leaguers in the national spotlight! Who knew? He's been gunning for revenge ever since.

Not enough proof? How about the fact that six of the current Supreme Court Justices including it's most conservative AND liberal members all went to Harvard Law School as did both the President and Michelle Obama. How can this be? Isn’t there supposed to be some sort of life or death ideological war going on?

Other distinguished "psuedo communist" alumini of Harvard include: Ratan Tata chairman of the Tata Group India's largest company, Marcus Agius, chairman of Barclays, Steve Ballmer CEO of Microsoft, Lloyd Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs, Michael Cohrs of Deutsche Bank, Jeff Kindler CEO of Pfizer, James McNerney CEO of Boeing. I could go and on, but maybe the picture is starting to form?
Oh and just to anticipate the argument, that everything became more radical in the 1960’s, all of the above millionaire and billionaire Harvard alumni graduated after 1970.

Don't worry folks. God is still in the heavens and the rich people still come from and send their kids to the Ivy League schools, so they can become "communist" billionaires and world leaders no doubt!

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